Lovely damsel waiting for his price.
We need a 3" ribbon for its face, 15" ribbon for her long hair, 6"x0.25" for the ribbon on her hair and two seductive eyes.

Fold the face into halves then wrap around the hair. Noticing a very long end.

This is how it should look at the back.

Then tie the small ribbon just below the chin. Glue them all in place. In such a way that the hair will not separate from the face when touched or pulled.

Glue in the eyes and hair clip and your just finished your project.

A charming doll on your hair with a surprise stare.
We need 1"x11" ribbon for the hair and 1"x3" ribbon for the face. They should be of different colors.

Then your ribbons will look like this only if you follow these steps. Fold the hair ribbon ribbon with each end an inch apart. That inch will create an illusion that the hair were cut staggered. Fold the face ribbon then wrap around the hair ribbon like so. The smaller end is forwarded and manipulated or adjucted to cover half of the face. The other end is at its correct place. Notice the overlap of the face and hair. this overlap on both sides and top of the face will be glued to hold them together.

This is how it looks at the back.

Glue them in to secure them in there place. Glue in two eyes, one under the hair and one peeking out. The eyes will give a stare to anyone curious enough to poke on your hair bow.

This is how your project should should look like when finished sticking them all together.

And here you have it a lovely Ribbon hair clip.